Welcome to “Part 1” of a three-part series that focuses on your child, sports, and the brain. Odd combo, eh, the brain? You are probably thinking that this article is about concussions, but this three-part series will go beyond concussions to focus on the positive impacts that youth sports have on common, but not always
So, you want to sign up your preschooler for a sport. Chances are you have gotten advice from other parents about which sports they’ve signed their children up for, and they have all given different answers. From gymnastics to soccer to t-ball. You are more confused than ever. About 70% of kids quit their sport
We have made it to June, the first official month of summer, and I think that many of you will agree with me when I say that I miss my childhood summer. I would spend endless hours under the sun, running around outside with my friends until I was called in for dinner by my
No one likes to lose a game. Can you think of anything worse than the feeling of loss and defeat? Well, I can… the car ride home after your child has just lost, maybe, yet another game. It sucks. There are so many emotions of anger and sadness rushing through your child. And, maybe you