Mason – HS Spring Night League



Season Info

Season Operations Flag Football Fanatics season will run over 5 weeks that will include 5 games. Practices are held prior to the game on game day, any practice outside of game day is optional.

Game Dates Games will be played on Wednesdays

Divisions of Play: Minor: 9th/10th Grade,  Major: 11th/12th Grade

Season Fees Include?  Click Here – Fees are listed below

Equipment Delivery All items except the jersey – and Swag Pack if ordered will be shipped to the address provided during registration. Items that will be shipped. If the address provided is inaccurate you will be charged a fee ($45) to ship additional items. Make sure you provide an accurate USPS address. The jersey will be provided to the coach at Meet + Greet.

Team Code Registration
A) Teammate / Coach Requests are Guaranteed in Team Code Registration
B) These players will be placed on teams based on the team code provided by their HEAD Coach
C) Team Code Registrations are typically more competitive and they typically travel within their region
D) No more than 10 requests per team

Individual / Traditional Registration
A) Teammate / Coach Requests are considered, Not Guaranteed in Individual / Traditional Registration
B) These players will be placed on teams based on their school, grade level, living proximity and coach/teammate requests.
C) No more than 10 requests per team

Typical Game Times: Wednesday NIGHT League: 4p – 8p

Interested in Coaching? Our organization depends on volunteer based coaching. Do you have 2 hours free on game day? Can you pass a background check? Do you want to make a difference in your community?

3 Different Swag Pack Options. Order custom swag that matches your team’s colors/design (three swag pack examples). These items will be available at your location of play on Game 1. These items will not be shipped with your initial equipment package.

Season Dates


General Program Details and Additional Information